Saturday, January 11, 2014

The Lone Survivor

This is a must see movie. Today I am going to review "The Lone Survivor." This is based on book written by Marcus Lutrell who was a Navy Seal. This is the account of Operation Red Wings and of the 4 Navy Seals that went into the Hindu Kush of Afghanistan. They were after Shah who was the head of the Taliban in that region and had killed 20 Marines the week before. The 4 Seals were Lt. Michael Murphy (Taylor Kitsch), Matt "Axe" Axelson (Ben Foster), Danny Dietz (Emile Hersch) and Marcus Lutrell (Mark Wahlberg). While in the mountains they run across three goat herders. Because of the Rules of Engagement they let the goat herders go which one of them ran to the Taliban. A fierce firefight ensues where they are climbing down or falling down the mountain trying to protect themselves. They were all shot multiple times but kept fighting until they couldn't anymore. Lt. Murphy put himself in the direct line of fire so that he could get a call to base for help. He was promptly killed. Lutrell still wounded and all the others dead continued down the mountain where he was rescued by a villager. There is a fight among the villagers and the Taliban regarding Lutrell and then he was rescued. The firefight is pretty close to the book and the stuff at the end is for dramatic affect but didn't happen that way. I highly suggest you watch the movie then read the book. I couldn't put the book down. But this is a must see just to see the sacrifices these men made plus the 16 men that were on the helicopter that got shot down during the rescue mission. If you watch it bring plenty of kleenex. I give this movie 5 popcorn tubs out of 5.

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